Parents urged to take care of their children during the holiday

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

Education stakeholders in Bungoma County have called on parents to take good care of their children during the forthcoming holiday festive season.

Khalaba ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) Cornelius Makhanu noted that parents should take full responsibility of their children so as to be safe when schools reopen in January.

Addressing  the  press  during  a  dedication  ceremony  for  the  Grade  Six  and  Class  Eight

pupils  at  Kanduyi  DEB Primary School, he said that many  parents  leave  their  children unattended  after  leaving school thus leading them towards drug and substance  abuse and other vices.

“Parents  should  not only  focus  on  looking  for  school  fees  for  the  learners  and being  busy  with  their  work  schedules  but also set time to provide guiding  and counseling  to their children,” he added.

Hon  Makhanu  thanked  the  teachers  for  fully  preparing  the  candidates  for  the national examinations.

His sentiments were echoed by the Bungoma County KNUT Chairman who doubles as  the school’s Deputy  Head teacher  Mr. Augastine  and Head teacher Mr. Hennith  Mulimba.

“I am hopeful that Kanduyi DEB Primary School candidates will perform exemplarily in their exams despite  having  a short  academic.” Mr. Watamba concluded.

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