Parents urged to support their children’s education

By Andanje Wakhungu

Parents have been asked to give priority to their children’s education above all things as their future heavily depends on it.

Speaking during form one orientation at Malava boys high school, the new Kakamega North Sub County Director Roseline Chisumi insisted on the need for parents to give their children’s education full attention as enshrined in the Basic Education Act 2013.

She reiterated that the Act has given children the mandate to demand for their basic rights from parents failure to which they risk being held accountable for negligence.

The director lauded the efforts Malava Boys has put in place to bolster results since 2017 when the Chief Principal John Simiyu Wakwabubi took over.

“We are happy to announce that the school is already making tremendous strides towards realizing its academic potential and we are sure that by the next two years, it will be in a class of its own as far as academics is concerned,’ she said.

She assured the school of her support as well as that of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Chisumi stressed on the need for parents to support education programmes in the school to enable it achieve its motto of “striving for excellence”.

She also warned parents against running to the press and frequenting her office to talk ill of the school. She advised them to get in touch with school managements to reach an amicable solution.

Principal Education Officer Merceline Makokha reminded the parents of the importance of electing available class representatives who will represent them well and contribute towards the attainment of good grades for the classes they represent.

She thanked the leadership of the constituency and county for putting up infrastructure to assist in absorbing the rising enrolment numbers.

Parents Association Chairman Andrew Masese warned parents against embracing the middle class syndrome that has seen many of them showering their children with extra cash leading the children to indulge in irresponsible behavior.

“Let us moderately provide for our children lest we lose them or render them over dependent on us forever, he said.

He challenged the fathers to be more supportive of their children’s education by not only paying school fees and other basic needs, but also showing up in school during school functions.

Chief Principal John Wakwabubi confirmed that the schools had put in place strategies to enable it excel academically and called on parents to embrace the school as their own by bringing in more students.

He hailed the form one parents for bringing their children to the school in abundance saying it showed that they believed in the school leadership.

“We are a six streamed school but this year’s form ones admission has surpassed the target of 249 to over 350. This is because of our performance which has been on an upward trajectory. We are putting enough measures to enable us to absorb all of these boys comfortably even if it means converting the music and computer rooms into   makeshift classes,’ he added.

He told parents to commit themselves in ensuring their boys education despite the hard financial crisis.

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