Parents urged to remain calm as order returns to Mukumu Girls

Mukumu Girls parents transferred

Parents of Sacred Heart Mukumu Girls High School have been asked to remain calm while the institution prepares to reopen in two weeks’ time.

Speaking in Kakamega, the Catholic Diocese Bishop Joseph Obanyi and Shinyalu MP Fred Ikana made the plea as they expressed confidence in the new Principal Jane Mmbone, urging parents, students and other stakeholders to support her.

“Mukumu remains one of most-decorated schools in our Diocese and we shall not rest until it’s fully back to its feet. I urge our parents and students to remain calm and maintain their confidence in the institution,” he added.

They said they will ensure neighbouring schools, including St. Ignatius Mukumu Boys, St. Peter’s Seminary, St. Charles Lwanga, St. Mary’s Mukumu Girls, and St. Ignatius Ilala Boys, remain safe.

Sr. Mmbone, a nun at the St. Mary’s Order of the Catholic Church, is expected to officially take over from Fridah Ndolo this week. She has been Principal at Shikoti Girls and was earlier at Mukumu as a classroom teacher.

The duo, while terming the closure of the institution as unfortunate, said they would ensure that the incident will never recur in future.

“What happened at Mukumu Girls was very unfortunate but an eye-opener to us stakeholders. This is not the time for blame games but we are focused on ensuring that our daughters return and continue with their studies uninterrupted,” said Ikana.

Bishop Obanyi, who is the next-door neighbour of the institution, said the Catholic Church will continue to effectively play its role as the sponsor through constant spiritual and moral nourishment.

By Denis Lumiti 

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