Parents urged to negotiate with Principals on school fee payment

Parents Principals school fee
Nyanchwa Boys High school Principal Jason Mogoa. Photo by Emmanuel Gwakoi.

Nyanchwa Boys High School Principal has implored parents whose secondary school children have school fee arrears to negotiate with Principals on a payment formula to avoid disrupting students’ education.

Principal Jason Mogoa noted that parents can pay the fees gradually, adding that no Principal derives pleasure from sending children home over fees.

“Principals have no problems with parents and guardians who fulfill their pledges. They can only send the children for fees if parents fail to fulfill their promises,” he said.

He said that Principals’ only desire is that students cover their syllabi on time and have ample time to revise for their termly and national examinations.

Mogoa observed that students who leave for home frequently miss a lot of lessons and they get stressed trying to catch up with their colleagues, affecting their performance in examinations.

Kisii County Education Board Chairman, Prof. Henry Onderi echoed the sentiments and asked parents to be serious with their children’s education saying it is the most important gift they can give their children.

“Our land is decreasing and the only unlimited land for our children is education. It will enable them to exploit their potential and live decent lives,” he stated.

By Emmanuel Gwakoi

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