Parents urged to monitor their children during the long December holiday

By Peter Otuoro

KNUT Nakuru branch Executive Secretary Anthony Gioche has urged parents from the region to take good care of their children during this festive season.

“Parents should ensure their children, especially those living in informal settlements in various parts of the county, are safe during this long holiday,” he added.

He went on to add that children from informal settlements face a lot of challenges which lead them to engage in criminal activities.

The KNUT boss said it is the core responsibility of parents to ensure all girls and boys are guided accordingly by involving them in activities that will be beneficial to them in future.

“Children need avenues to perfect their talents and creativity which will make them gain useful skills,” he said.

He also told parents to keep the children busy while they are at home by involving them in important domestic chores like tree planting among other activities.

“Children should also get adequate time to study so that they do not forget the class content they were taught while at their school. They should visit home libraries so that they continue equipping themselves with education,” said Gioche.

He urged Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and religious organizations in Nakuru County to use the long holidays to involve children in creative talent generation activities.

Gioche concluded by advising the 2022 KCPE and KPSEA candidates to patiently wait for the results of their national exams.

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