Parents urged to guide their children to avert involvement in vices

By Wasike Elvis

Uasin Gishu County Director of Education Muriuki Harrison has urged parents and guardians to guide and care for their children instead of abdicating the responsibility to teachers.

Speaking to the press, Harrison said that it was sad parents had neglected their duties making their children prone to early pregnancies and indulgence in drug abuse.

“In Kenya there are many vices targeting our children such as gayism and lesbianism. They will be trapped when we as parents don’t follow up on what our children and the nature of friends they are hanging out with,” said Muriuki.

The Director said parents are to blame for the deteriorating values of children which have led them to involvement in illegal activities.

He further warned parents who have not sent Junior Secondary School learners to school to do so or face the full force of the law.

Muriuki assured parents that they are not required to pay anything.

“If your child does not have uniform or school fees, let them come to school because no one will send them home. What we want is 100 per cent transition,” he said.

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