Parents stage demo to push for removal of Principal

By Godfrey Wamalwa

Parents in Nalondo, Bungoma County held a demonstration yesterday in a bid to eject the Principal of Nalondo Secondary school.

The irate parents, together with hundreds of students, accused the Principal, Nicolas Onyango of imposing on them a levy of Ksh4,000 to cater for reconstruction of a dormitory that got burnt recently.

The parents opposed the school’s decision citing that the students were not responsible for the fire that brought down the dormitory.

The dormitory fire is said to have been caused by an electrical fault after lightning struck the dorm.

The school had convened a meeting with the parents which the parents later boycotted.

Josephine Simiyu, a former parent, accused the Principal of sending students home to bring ream papers after clearing school fees.

At the same time, students claimed that the Mr. Onyango has been insulting and embarrassing them before teachers.

They called upon the Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Mochugu to intervene and have the Principal transferred.

When contacted for comments, the Principal denied insulting and cursing students while on the issue of the Ksh4,000, he said the decision was arrived at during the meeting which the parents boycotted..


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