Parents pleased with new look yellow school buses

By Amoto Dennis

Parents in Garissa County are happy that the school buses can be differentiated from other vehicles.
Not only are the newly coloured buses a sight to behold, parents are happy that the buses can be better monitored for safety of the pupils.
“We can spot yellow school buses from far. With the school name in black as directed, we are able to even differentiate between schools,” said the parents.
The buses are now accorded more space by other road users to stop, pick up children and to make turns.
The directive to paint the school vehicles yellow was issued by former Education CS Fred Matiangi is in line with traffic act 2016.
A spot check by Education News in Garissa shows that as much as some schools have painted vehicles yellow, fitting safety belts has proved to be a tall order to many schools.
The traffic Act and regulation which comes into effect on 1st April 2018 also requires the vehicles to travel between 6 am and 6pm to improve road safety.
‘’We can spot the school vehicles by their yellow colour and school’s name in black from other vehicles,’’ said Mohamed Ahmed, a parent in Garissa.

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