Parents in Kisii asked to take children living with disabilities to schools

Kisii County Government Secretary Robert Ombasa. Photos By Enock Okong'o

The Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Kisii Branch Chairman Kefah Onduso has asked parents with children living with disabilities not to hide them at home but instead to take them to special schools to acquire life skills for their survival.

Onduso, while speaking at Mwata Adventist School for the Deaf in Bonchari Constituency on Tuesday July 9 where he led his team to give out commodities to the students revealed that they had planned to aid students living with disabilities in the region as part of preparations to this year’s Agricultural shows.

The shows are slated to take place on July 11-14, 2024.

He said that the action of sharing was meant to give back to society as it enriches their spirit as well as connecting them with people and come up with ideas that will positively impact their perspective for the rest of their life.

“Helping our communities provides opportunities for us to grow as individuals to better understand how we fit in the world around us,” he said.

Onduso urged the people to attend the shows which will involve showcasing of farm produce as well as wild animals.


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He said that the main aim of Agricultural shows in the country is to bring people together to teach them on how to realize their potential of multiplying food in their farms to feed the nation and keep health.

However, he asked his team and the community to perceive the activity further than that — the shows are meant to demonstrate love and compassion through communal living because humans are social beings naturally.

Kisii County Government Secretary Robert Ombasa with Children of Mwata School for the Deaf.

At the same time, South Kenya Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church Conference Education Secretary Dr Will Oruta lauded Martha Okioma for donating land for the school as it has helped the less privileged students in the area.

Orua further thanked the Agricultural Society of Kenya for choosing to associate themselves with the disabled adding that it reflected Christian spirit that was taught by Jesus Christ who went from village to village with his disciples meeting people from all walks of life and healing their spiritual, physical and psychological needs.

“You gain a unique sense of purpose by serving those around you especially those living with disabilities,” he said.

Kisii County Government Secretary Robert Ombasa on his end lauded the ASK Kisii Branch team for their generosity, saying that their non-discriminative action of serving the community embraced African way of living which cherishes unity.

He asked the youth from the region to use the forth coming Kisii Agricultural show to learn modern methods of farming like bee keeping and poultry.

The team donated foodstuffs, bedding, soaps, sanitary towels and assorted learning materials worth KSh100, 000 to the school.

By Enock Okong’o.

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