Parents in Kakamega urged to pay school fees on time

St. Joseph’s Principal Lucas Shikhu and his Deputy Sister Macklin Adema.

The St. Joseph’s Girls Secondary Day and Boarding School administration in Kakamega Central sub-county has decried the rising defaults in school fees payment.

The school Deputy Principal Sister Macklin Adema said that the trend was making the running of the school difficult.

She called on parents and guardians to honour their obligations so that they are not forced to send their children home and disrupt their studies.

The school posted a mean score of 6.2 in the 2023 KCSE exams and sent 23 out of 53 candidates to the university.

Speaking in his office, Principal Lucas Shikhu noted that the school was position 4 out of 28 schools in the sub-county with an improvement in all subjects.

She credited the performance to personal and collective discipline among her students.

By Hilda Atika

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