Parents have to encourage their children to accept the schools they are called to

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Wornicks Gisemba, teacher of English at Nkoile Boys High School, Kajiado Central. He is also an author and editor. Website:

Parents have the responsibility of encouraging their children to develop a positive attitude towards their new learning environments, whether the schools they are called to are the ones they chose or not.

In my experience as a seasoned educator and mentor, I have underscored the significance of attitude as a determining factor to the success and general wellbeing of a learner in school, both academically and in the co-curricular aspects.

There are apparently two categories of learners in the ongoing Form One admissions across the country.

The first category constitutes learners whose school of admission was their exact choice. These learners are over the moon as they join their dream schools. With tranquillity of mind, they will promptly acclimatize and kickstart their high school academic journey.

The second category constitutes those joining schools which they did not desire but were forced therein due to limitation of space in their priority choices. Often, these learners will be a disgruntled lot, especially when the school to which they are admitted has perceived shortcomings in comparison to their desired choices.

The learners admitted to schools against their choices often take long to acclimatize. They appear unenthusiastic to school programmes, seldom warming up to co-curricular activities as they find them bothersome. Feelings of regret and bitterness preoccupy their minds, wishfully thinking of transferring to their ‘favourite’ schools.  With resentful attitude towards school, such a learner will find fault in everything and will be a characteristic nag.

Schools should not ignore such calibre of learners. Left unchecked, they become negative influences to their peers and saboteurs of school programmes, thus stirring indiscipline.

Through the guidance and counselling departments, schools can have programmes aimed at helping such learners attain self-acceptance and concentrate on their studies.

Notably, success is often determined by intrinsic effort. A learner will reap optimally regardless of the school they are admitted to so long as hard work and focus are maintained. Many have scored impressive grades from poorly equipped day schools.

Equally, many have scored dismally from well facilitated, ultramodern national schools.

By Wornicks Gisemba

Teacher of English at Nkoile Boys High School, Kajiado Central. He is also an author and editor.   Website:

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