Parents encouraged to take good care of their children during mid-term

By Malachi Motano

Kenya union of post primary education teachers ((Kuppet) is asking parents to  look at their children while at home during the half term that began last week across all the schools both secondary and primary school in the country.

According to KUPPET Bungoma County chairman Mr. David Barasa said when children were at home during Covid-19 pandemic, many girls got pregnant especially in Bungoma County both primary and secondary.

He blamed parents for having failed to give proper child upbringing  and good guidance during the time they were at home and requested them this time round to be more vigilant to their children especially girls so that there can be reduction in pregnancy in the county adding it has brought shame to the county.

” Everywhere you pass and say you are from Bungoma County, many will associate you with pregnancy and this is shameful and so I appeal to parents to kindly take good care of your children, this is not good and it has really impacted negatively on the education standards of our many schools, “said Barasa.

Barasa affirmed that many parents had for a long time been absconded their duties and left to the teachers and asked them to find time even with their busy schedule to have a candid but friendly talk with their children as this could help reduce such vices and instead encourage them to concentrate on their studies.

“Some parents are too busy to find time for their children and this has contributed immensely to many early pregnancies and therefore kindly find time and talk to your girls about what they are supposed to know about sex without hiding them anything for they know more than what we know and if not well guided, they may fall into trouble and not only pregnancy but also can be infected by sexually transmitted diseases which may affect their education and this should also be done to boys because they are part of the problem due to boy girl relationship, “he added

He was also overwhelmed by increasing number of school dropout especially boys who end up operating as boda boda riders in many market centers and has appealed on security operatives and chiefs to be vigilant and arrest them and also take stern measures to the parents who leave their children join such business at a tender age when they are supposed to be in school.

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