Parents distraught over unknown whereabouts of sick daughter

By Enock Okong’o

Parents of a form two girl in Mokwerero location, Sameta sub county in Kisii county are distraught after their sick daughter sneaked from home in the middle of the night.

Isaiah Nyachwaya, the girl’s father, said he received a call from St Mary’s Nyamagwa Girls’ Secondary School where his daughter schooled, informing him that his daughter was sick.

He was granted permission to take her to the hospital but decided to take her home for family consultations first.

‘At around midnight, I heard my daughter pray in a very loud voice from her room. We went to see what was wrong but she ran towards the gate in a very high speed and disappeared completely,’ Nyachwaya said.

‘My daughter ran away without bidding us goodbye,’ narrated her tearful mother.

The father appealed to the public with any information about the whereabouts of their daughter to inform the family or the police.

The principal of Nyamagwa Girls’ School identified the girl as Irene Nyachwaya. She advised the parents to report the matter to the police for more assistance and assured the family that the institution will assist in the search for the girl.

The incident comes barely a week after Kisii County education Board Chairman Prof Henry Onderi cautioned parents against leaving their daughters unguarded from boda boda riders, whom he described as social predators of school girls.

Prof. Onderi also asked parents to be ware of some of the roadside preachers whom he said radicalized the youth into unique cults.

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