Parents asked to inculcate good values in their children

By John Majau

Parents have been urged to instill good morals and be role models to their children while they are at home during the holidays.

A section of education stakeholders in Meru county lamented that many learners are involved in indiscipline cases due to lack of serious and proper guidance from their guardians and parents.

Speaking during a meeting at St Angelas Nguthiru Girls School, Tigania East Sub-County Education Director Mr. Yattani Dabasosaru said that it is every parent’s responsibility to inculcate good morals in their children.

‘Educate them on the importance of education so that they do not bother their teachers when they come to school,’ he said.

Mr. Dabasosaru warned parents against politicizing education matters arguing that there are few parents who were after ruining the reputation of schools.

The official appealed to parents and guardians to share their grievances with school administrations for amicable solutions instead of tarnishing the reputation of schools.

“All parents will be treated equally their social status notwithstanding. Share your concerns in decorum and desist from inciting each other,” said Mr. Dabasosaru.

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