Parental responsibility main agenda during Day of the African Child in Kisii

Teachers and parents in Kisii have been asked to be at the forefront of protecting the African child by safeguarding their rights to education, food, shelter and health.

Speaking during commemoration of the International Day for the African Child on Friday in Kenyenya, Kisii county, Riokindo Division Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) Maurine Chalango led residents in observing a moment of silence in memory of the Soweto 1976 massacre where children were murdered for standing for their rights.

Chalango further called for collective responsibility to change systems that hold back the girl child across the country and the continent.

Lake Region Christian Children’s Fund (CCF) Officer Lucy Kemunto said her organization has made greater strides to protect orphaned and neglected children; and asked communities to always provide a leaning shoulder to unfortunate individuals in the society.

The officer cautioned parents and guardians to limit their children’s exposure to the internet to curb cyber bullying against children in line with this year’s theme; ‘The Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment’.

Defining a child as anybody under 18 years old, Kemunto said that was not a panacea for children to indulge in crime.

Kenyenya sub-county Childen’s Officer Mr. Koigi decried the rising number of child abuse cases in the region and advised residents to work with local authorities to bring perpetrators who violate children’s rights to book.

Koigi asked residents to teach children to take care of the environment to ensure the young generation boosts efforts towards mitigating climate change.

Kenyenya Location Chief Jared Mainga called on residents and children to attend such important public functions.

During the occasion, Riokindo, Nyakoiba, Keberesi, Nyabioto and Kenyenya Secondary School entertained guests with dances, praise and patriotic songs.

Kenyenya Secondary School thrilled the audience with their soul-touching song ‘Abana Bane’ (My children) that highlighted the importance of proper parental care and provision of good nutrition to children for their growth and development.

Other institutions that presented thematic items included Kenyenya Primary, Kisii Children’s Home, Omogwa and Senta Primary schools.

Also in attendance were other children’s care partners including Nuru ya Mtoto, Ibencho Adventist Home and Life Skills promoters.

By Enock Okong’o

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