Parental involvement plays key role in shaping educational outcomes of students

Tonny Kyule

Engaging students and parents in the educational process is a cornerstone of a thriving academic environment. When schools foster strong partnerships with families, it leads to significant benefits for students, parents, and educators alike.

The power of this collaboration cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in enhancing student achievement, building community, and creating a supportive learning environment.

For students, engagement translates into improved academic performance, better attendance, and higher levels of motivation. When parents are actively involved in their child’s education, students are more likely to value their learning and feel supported in their academic pursuits. This involvement can take many forms, from helping with homework and attending school events to participating in parent-teacher conferences and volunteering at the school.


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Parents, on the other hand, gain a deeper understanding of the educational system and their child’s progress through active engagement. This knowledge empowers them to advocate effectively for their children’s needs and collaborate with educators to create personalised learning plans.

Engaged parents are also more likely to reinforce educational values and expectations at home, creating a consistent and supportive environment for their children.

Schools benefit immensely from fostering parent and student engagement. Educators gain valuable insights into the unique backgrounds and needs of their students, allowing them to tailor their teaching strategies more effectively. Additionally, a strong home-school partnership builds a sense of community and trust, which is essential for creating a positive school culture. When parents and teachers work together, challenges can be addressed more efficiently, and solutions can be implemented that benefit the entire school community.

To cultivate this engagement, schools can implement strategies such as regular communication through newsletters, emails, and social media; organising family-oriented events and workshops; and providing opportunities for parents to participate in decision-making processes. By making engagement a priority, schools can unlock the full potential of their students and create an educational experience that is enriching, inclusive, and collaborative.

In conclusion, the engagement of students and parents in education is a powerful driver of success. By fostering these partnerships, schools can ensure that students receive the support and encouragement they need to excel, while parents feel valued and informed. This collaborative approach not only enhances academic outcomes but also strengthens the entire educational community.

Tonny Kyule, Rongo University Migori

Kyule is a student of Rongo University, Migori County.

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