Overwhelming support for student who begged for school fees

By Andrew Walyaula


Mellan Njeri Njuguna, 15, who took to Nairobi CBD begging for money to raise her school fees, has received multiple offers from philanthropists who were moved by her plight.

Njeri, a form two student at Kihumba-ini Secondary School in Muranga County said that she was sent home on 10th, September after her mother failed to pay school fee arrears.

She was spotted with a placard requesting well-wishers to help her raise the fees arrears amounting to Sh29, 177 along Langata Road, Parliament Road, Processional Way, Kenyatta Avenue and Moi Avenue.

Among the well-wishers who were touched by the message of the form two girl was Millicent Omanga, Nominated Women Representative for Nairobi County who was first to come to her aid.

Mike Sonko, former Nairobi Governor also stepped in and promised to help the stranded minor under condition that he be given the school’s pay bill or account number for him to make direct payment.

The Affecto Foundation in Ruiru also intervened by taking up her case. Ndungu Nyoro, a founder and team leader of Affecto Foundation said that the story of the teenager was painful to any parent since she was feeling that her journey to pursue education was coming to an end. 

“We called the school just to confirm that she had been having challenges for several terms and we felt that she deserves a chance and no child should be denied that right to education,” Nyoro said.

Nyoro confirmed that the foundation had cleared the fee arrears, written to the school that it will sponsor her until she clears form four.

He also promised guidance and mentorship from the experts to her together with the other children being supported by the foundation.

Ann Wangechi Mureithi, Njeri’s mother confirmed that her daughter was the firstborn among other three siblings. She said that she is the breadwinner in the family of which she gets the little hard earned money from casual laboring which is not enough to cater for their meals, let alone school fees.

Njeri’s mother was thankful and wished her the best in her education.

“I am grateful and I thank God for this. I have been struggling by all means being a breadwinner. I did not get a chance to go to school like her because my family was unable to raise funds. I will try my best to see Njeri and her siblings get best education that I did not get,” Wangechi said.

Njeri wishes to pursue fashion design and modeling upon completion of her studies.

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