Over 80,000 candidates to sit for 2023 national exams in Busia

St. Peter's Makunda Secondary School in Budalangi, Busia county is one of the schools that will present students sitting for this year's KCSE exam. Photo by Gilbert Ochieng'

Over 80,000 candidates will sit for the 2023 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations in Busia County.

According to the candidature data availed to Education News by the County Director of Education (CDE) James Elkayo, 30,896 candidates drawn from the county’s eight sub-counties will sit for KPSEA exams.

Of the eight, Butula leads the pack presenting 5,257 candidates comprising 2,722 boys and 2,535 girls closely followed by Teso North with 4,853 candidates comprising 2,645 boys and 2,208 girls.

Busia takes third position with 4,789 candidates – 2,198 boys and 2,541 girls – followed by Nambale with 4,054 candidates – 2,043 boys and 2,011 girls. Samia with a candidature of 3,540 comprising 1,747 boys and 1,793 girls comes fifth.

Further, Bunyala will present 2,694 candidates comprising 1,349 boys and 1,345 girls, Teso South will present 3,057 candidates – 1,517 boys and 1,540 girls – and Teso Central will bring forth 2,652 candidates comprising 1,336 boys and 1,316 girls.

Out of the total candidature, 15,557 candidates are boys whereas 15,339 are girls.

The data further indicates that 33,262 candidates have been registered for the 2023 KCPE exams.

Samia sub-county has registered 4,039 candidates where 1,963 are boys and 2,076 are girls.

Butula sub-county which presented the highest number of candidates in the 2022 KPSEA exam stole the limelight again after it registered 5,791 candidates comprising 2,942 boys and 2,849 girls while Busia sub-county registered 5,318 candidates comprising 2,629 boys and 2,689 girls.

Nambale and Bunyala sub-counties registered 4,506 and 3,041 candidates respectively. The former’s candidature comprises 2,285 boys and 2,281 girls while the latter’s candidature comprises 1,539 boys and 1,492 girls.

Teso South sub-county has registered 2,957 candidates – 1,439 boys and 1,518 girls, while Teso North has registered 4,891 candidates, out of which 2,481 are boys and 2,410 are girls. Teso Central has 2,729 candidates comprising 1,369 boys and 1,360 girls.

Out of the total KCPE candidature, 16,647 are boys and 16,615 are girls.

As for the KCSE exam, Busia county has registered a total of 17, 637 candidates comprising 8643 boys and 8994 girls.

CDE Ekalyo expressed confidence saying that with the commitment teachers have shown, their candidates will achieve sterling results and they will all transit to the next level.

By Gilbert Ochieng’

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