Over 8000 students receive bursaries

By Washington Okella

Over 8000 post primary students have benefited from Sh70 million Busia County Education bursary fund.

Busia Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi launched the cheques issuance exercise at the Amaase Vocational Training Centre, setting stage for distribution of cheques to schools and VTCs across the county.

In the Financial Year 2019/2020 the County Government of Busia disbursed bursaries worth Sh50m to 8728 students across the county.

Deputy Governor Moses Mulomi said the County Government will upscale the bursary to at least Sh100 million; urging Members of the County Assembly to contribute more funds from ward development projects.

Mulomi said the County Government has so far constructed over 250 ECDE classrooms, adding that money has been factored for completion of all incomplete classrooms; new classrooms will also be constructed this financial year.

“We are also planning to add more instructors in VTCs and improve their schemes of service,” he said, urging students to take advantage of the joint sponsorship by the County and National Governments and enroll in large numbers.

Education Executive, Prof. Grephas Opata said that besides education bursary, the County Government has other components including County Revolving Fund, County Afya Elimu and Scholarships for University and middle level colleges.

Prof Opata said the County Government has to date disbursed Sh55 million revolving fund to 2331 students.

CECMs Dr Moses Osia (Agriculture) and John Mwami (Public Service and Administration) thanked the Department of Education and Vocational Training for timely release of the funds ahead of schools opening.

They also thanked the Governor Sospeter Ojaamong for his great vision of introducing bursaries.

Chief Officer, Lydia Nabwire said the Directorate of ICT will channel funds to VTCs for internet connectivity to enhance information technology at the VTCs.

KUPPET County Executive Secretary, Moffat Okisai appreciated the efforts by the County Government for the fund which he said will help reduce poverty level which currently stands at 59.7 per cent, adding that follow-up of beneficiaries is critical.

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