Over 40 adult learners to sit national exams

By Tsozungu Kombe

Some 44 adult education learners in Lamu County will sit both 2018 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in the area as private candidates.
Lamu County Adult Education Director Raphael Wario said that out of the 44 adult learners who will sit the two national examinations in the region as private candidates, 14 will sit KCPE, while 30 candidates will sit KCSE.
He further said that out of the 14 private candidates who will sit for KCPE, 9 candidates are male, while 5 are female.
And out of the 30 private candidates who will sit KCSE, 17 candidates are male, while 13 are female.
The County Director disclosed that the number of KCPE private candidates in the area is lower compared to the KCSE candidates because adult learners who are pursuing education to sit KCPE are reluctant to attend their lessons regularly.
Wario noted that the county urgently requires 150 adult education teachers to handle the ever increasing number of adult learners in the region.
He said the county has only 50 adult education teachers while the enrolment of adult learners stands at 819.

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