Over 1000 students benefit from CDF bursary

By Wasike Elvis

Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi recently distributed bursaries totaling Sh30 million to bright but needy students from his constituency under the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF).
The MP issued out cheques to 1,800 students from boarding secondary schools and colleges, noting that proper vetting was done so that only deserving students benefit from the kitty.
Speaking after giving out the cheques Sudi said this will ensure bright students from poor backgrounds continue with their education.
“Students from secondary schools will get Sh10, 000 each while those in colleges will get Sh12, 000,” said the MP in Eldoret town recently.
“My aim is to ensure that all students in my constituency go to school regardless of their financial backgrounds since education is the equalizer and the only investment a parent can leave to their heirs,” he added.
The MP further promised to ensure that every school in his constituency is supplied with electricity for students to learn effectively.
He also put on notice parents still denying their children right to education, saying they will face the full force of the law.
“As a Member of Parliament I will not allow any parent to deny his or her child right to education yet the Government is providing free education and also bursaries,” Sudi said.

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