Over 100 pregnant girls sat KCPE exams

By Kese Werugha

Over 100 girls who sat this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams in various primary schools in Kilifi County were pregnant.
The vice has been blamed largely on idle, unemployed young men, Boda-Boda operators and palm wine tappers who target young girls by enticing them with money.
According the Kilifi County woman representative Gertrude Mbeyu the majority of the girls are aged between 14 and 17.
They are mainly forced to have sex with men to get money to go and buy sanitary towels due to poverty in their families.
Speaking during the Mashujaa Day celebrations at Karisa Maitha Stadium, Mbeyu said in Kibarani Ward, a total of 26 girls who sat for KCPE were pregnant, Konjora had 15 and at Fumbini Primary School has 10.
She attributed the problem to discos held at funeral ceremonies in the area.
She asked the police and chiefs to ensure that the children who attend them are arrested and parents prosecuted.
In Kaloleni Constituency the area Deputy County Commission Paul Rotich said that about 20 school girls from various learning institutions, including those in different national schools in the country were pregnant.
“It is really a shame to the parents of the girls and the local leaders. This has disappointed local MP Paul Katana who have given them bursaries from the CDF kitty for their education,” Rotich said.
In Magarini Constituency, the area Deputy County Commissioner Samuel Lokoriyo said that about 20 girls in different schools were reported to be pregnant.
He also blamed the disco-matanga as the major cause of the vice as the girls go to spend the nights at funeral ceremonies where they engage in sexual activities with boys.
The Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga said about 18 schools girls in his home area of Chonyi were impregnated at Mubuyuni, Vwevwesi and Kolongoni primary schools among others.
He asked the police and chiefs in the area to help address the problem by arresting those engaging in sex with school girls and other minors.

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