Organization donates sanitary towels to keep Athi River girls in school

By Mutuvi Janet

Well-wishers from Superior Homes Kenya have offered to change the lives of girls in Athi River schools by donating sanitary towels to them monthly.

Kenanie Secondary School in Athi River was able to get 480 packets of sanitary towels which catered for 160 girls, which will help to increase the confidence and self-esteem of the girls.

The chairman of Superior Homes Ian Anderson said the aim of the donation was to ensure that girls don’t miss classes so that they can have equal chances as their male counterparts.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shiv Arora said they wanted the girls to fully focus on their education by making their stay in school comfortable.

“We are going to ensure that all girls will get sanitary towels to enable them have a smooth life and focus on their education, which is the key to success,” she said.

More than 65 per cent of ladies and girls in the country are facing difficulties to get sanitary towels, a research done by a health organization, Menstrual Hygiene Day, says.

According to the researchers, 50 per cent of girls get to discuss menstruation in their homes, out of whom 32 per cent in rural schools have identified areas where they can change their menstrual products.

The same research finds that 12 per cent of girls are comfortable receiving some menstrual knowledge from their mothers.

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