Oparanya highlights 10 year score card in education sector

By Cally Imbai

Outgoing Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya has highlighted his 10 year devolution development score and added that his administration has done a lot for the education sector.

Oparanya was speaking on the occasion of county staff 10 year devolution score card celebration on 24th June, 2022 at the Bukhungu International Stadium.

He revealed that his administration established and operationalized sixty three county polytechnics where student enrolment increased from 3,555 trainees in the 2013/14 academic year to the current 10,539 trainees.

“We also established and operationalized 916 ECDE Centers that increased enrollment from 76,469 children in the 2013/14 academic year to the current 124,500 learners” Oparanya proudly stated.

Oparanya said his administration recruited 331 polytechnic instructors and 2,016 ECDE teachers.

He added that they constructed 35 twin workshops, classrooms, administration blocks, toilets and fenced polytechnics as well as installed gates.

“We equipped all the County polytechnics with assorted tools and equipment including sewing machines, welding machines and hair dryers among others.  We have also constructed 632 ECDE classrooms and installed 109 (5,000-litre) water storage tanks in schools,” he revealed.

The governor said his administration acquired 65,891 and 10,065 child-friendly chairs and tables respectively that were distributed to 638 ECDE centers.

He revealed that they constructed Administration and Tuition blocks (Centres of Excellence) in 25 secondary schools, 11 dormitory blocks, 13 administration blocks and 239 classrooms.

In partnership with the Kenya Literature Bureau, his administration had supplied branded teaching and learning materials to all County Polytechnics and ECDEs hence improved the learning and teaching environment in the County.

The County Chief further said that through the ATVET Programme, the County government trained 1,609 farmers in the fields of agribusiness, aquaculture, dairy farming and horticulture to improve entrepreneurial skills.

He revealed that to provide a solution to the perennial challenge of bright but needy students lacking access to higher education, he had established a County Higher Education Loans Scheme administered by HELB where Ksh 100 million has been disbursed to 7,781 students.

He said the County government established the County Afya Elimu Programme to support students in middle level colleges who study medical related courses.

The programme has disbursed Ksh28.5 million to 1,107 students.

Oparanya pointed out that he has also established the Ward Bursary Scheme with an annual allocation of Ksh 120 million to 137,782 students.

He also established the County University Education Scholarship Scheme that has so far supported 73 students in local universities and others in University of Shanghai of Science and Technology in China.

“I am happy to say that two students have successfully completed their studies and are currently doing their internships.” He said.

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