Nyeri County Govt distributes modern furniture, learning materials to 435 ECDE centers

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga looking at the ECDE modern furniture:

The County Government of Nyeri has promised to continuously improve the learning conditions in the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centers, from infrastructural enhancement to employing more teachers and capacity-building them.

Speaking when he fagged off learning materials for ECDE centers, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga said his government is keen on ensuring that young learners get the most out of their educational and progressive journey.

“I have dispatched an assortment of furniture for the children and their teachers. In a collaborative effort with our vocational training centers, the seats were made by Karatina VTC, and the tables by Nairutia VTC. We look forward to collaborating with more VTCs through various departments,” he said.

He added that the County Government has supplied an assortment of stationery to over 435 ECDE centers across the county which includes manila papers, ruled and squared exercise books, textbooks to be used as teachers’ guides, and an assortment of chalk, crayons, pencils, and pens.

Kahiga added that his government has employed 809 ECDE teachers, and we are on a continuous path to improve their terms and conditions.

“We changed their terms from contractual to permanent and pensionable status. We have also constructed several ECDE classrooms and renovated many others as well as put up other facilities such as ablution blocks,” he said.

He said that plans were underway to introduce a school milk program so as to increase attendance and enrollment in centers as well as contribute to the overall health of the pupils in schools.

“As part of our efforts to mitigate the NCDs burden in our region. This will also provide a steady milk market for our dairy farmers and also improve ECDE centers enrollment,” he said.

Education CEC Margaret Macharia affirmed that the Department of Education is committed to fulfilling its mandate of creating a conducive learning environment that will serve as a springboard for a learner’s learning journey and personal development

Dedan Kimathi ward MCA Gibson Wahinya said the County Assembly will support these endeavours to uplift our learning centers.

By Macharia Kiarie

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