Nyanza regional games to end today as host schools miss finals


Nyanza Regional Secondary Schools Sports fete will end today at Kisii High School with most of the hosting institutions packing home as they did not qualifying to finals.

In the boy’s hockey category, Maseno School beat the defending Kisumu Day School and Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School to sail to the finals and face the defending Nduru High School today afternoon.

Nyamira Girls from Siaya, will try to defend their championship as they will face Agenga Secondary School after trouncing Lwak Girls from Migori County. They will have a borne to chew with Agenga Girls of Migori County, who walloped their sister school Sinyolo Girls from the sane county at 1-0.

In rugby 15 aside, Kisii High beat St. Nary’s Yala to earn a ticket to the finals to meet Maseno School.

Maseno whipped Nyabondo High School at 3-O while Kisii School chopped St Mary’s Yala School to size at 9-6.

Onjiko High School defended their supremacy in basketball when they dished Usenge High School of Siaya County with 134-22 to stand for the finals.

Onjiko who were the champions last year, will now stretch their muscles against Agoro Sare High School who reached the finals after hitting Maseno School at 60-30 in the semifinals.

The defending Champions of Ototo Mixed School of Homa Bay, taught St Joseph’s TukJowi Girls’ School a lesson when they soaked them in hot water, returning them to Migori County at 57-3.

Ototo Mixed School will now face Barchando Girls’ from Siaya County.

Barchando smashed Asumbi Girls’ School in the semifinals at 56-41 to cut a niche at the finals slot.

According to Nyanza Region Secondary Schools Sports Association Technical Bench Co-ordinator Maulice Imolo, this year’s matches had a stiffer competition when compared to the previous years.

He attributed it to the proper training and determination from various coaches and their teams.

By Enock Okong’o

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