Nyandarua County to procure essential services from VTCs

Melangine VTC during their 19th graduation ceremony

The Governor of Nyandarua Moses Kiarie Badilisha has announced that the County will directly procure all county uniforms and essential services from Vocational Training Centers (VTCs).

Speaking during the 19th graduation ceremony of Melangine VTC in Mirangine ward, where 750 students were awarded various certificates, Badilisha underscored the crucial role of government support for VTCs.

“By prioritizing the procurement of goods and services from VTCs, the government aims to foster their sustainability and ensure that they are well-prepared to meet the demands of the job market,” he stated.

Governor Badilisha touring one of the institution’s laboratories

Additionally, he noted that this strategic decision aligns with the broader goal of nurturing a skilled and competitive workforce, thus reaping the benefits of a thriving local economy.

The Governor further underscored the significance of collaboration between government entities and VTCs saying that it serves not only to empower students but also to strengthen the economy by equipping individuals with relevant skills and knowledge.

Additionally, he launched the institution’s five-year Strategic Plan, spanning from 2023 to 2028.

Badilisha also said that he will ensure the county budgets are utilized effectively, fostering the growth of VTCs and creating opportunities for students to thrive in the job market.

By Macharia Kiarie

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