County to hire 600 ECDE teachers on permanent terms

By Ongondi  Nyakundi

Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo has confirmed that he will be hiring 600 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers after a case, which was filed by some of the aggrieved teachers on the question of age, was withdrawn.

The County boss in a recent interview with Education News, stated that the teachers will be employed on permanent basis and the process of issuing out appointment letters is on course.

He further stated that some of the teachers will be employed on  contractual terms.

He revealed that the delay in employment had been occasioned by some teachers decision to move to court to challenge the employment of their colleagues who had attained over 50 years.

” The Public Service Commission has a policy forbidding the employment of people above 45 years on permanent terms. Some ECDE teachers who are above 45 years had moved to court to challenge the policy and that delayed the employment of their colleagues,” said Nyaribo.

Nyamira County Public Service Board Secretary Mrs. Anne Mwasi confirmed that the board has completed the process of preparing the appointment letters for the teachers which will be issued anytime.

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