Nyamira: School boys engaging in Bodaboda to be arrested, parents fined Sh 5,000


Bodaboda riders in Nyamira County have lauded the police for ensuring the security of the residents.

The area Bodaboda chairman Mr Gwaro revealed the riders in partnership with the police have now laid down a plan to control school boys from engaging in the Bodaboda transport operation at the expense of their studies during this holiday.

He said that any schoolboy who will be found operating a motor circle will be arrested and fined shillings 5000 for defying the order.

The chairman said in the past blame over insecurity was always directed to the Bodaboda riders.

“We are law-abiding people and we will not allow any crime perpetrator to hide among us.” He said.

The chairman discouraged parents from buying motor circles for their children who complete form four but instead encouraged them to join Vocational Training Institute to get skills that will enable them to get employment.

Gwaro also said that parents whose children will be found roaming around aimlessly will be arrested and be arraigned in court over child negligence.

The chairman revealed that his group had started a Sacco that will assist the group to develop their lives economically.

“We encourage our members to borrow from the Sacco to enable them to take their children to school or strengthen their businesses,” he said.

By Enock Okong’o

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