Nyamira parents protest Governor’s lack of seriousness for ECDE sector

Residents of Nyamira County have appealed to Governor Amos Nyaribo to treat the Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) sector with the seriousness it deserves.

Led by Reverend Ibrahim Ombuya of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Church, he said that education in early years for children is critical to their growth and development.

“This stage is like the foundation that needs to be strengthened for stability and durability of the whole house,” he said.

The parents asked the County to allocate funds that will initiate and support a breakfast feeding programme for the ECDE learners.

“Let learners be provided with porridge during break time to keep them strong and make them love school,” said Ann Mong’are, a resident.

The parents further asked Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) to propose a bill to make breakfast compulsory in all pubic ECDE centres in the area.

Another section of parents insisted on launching both breakfast and lunch programmes for their children citing Nairobi County’s lunch programme for learners countywide.

However, a section of parents opposed the proposal saying that the government provides a lot of money to support education projects, saying that they should chip and support the remaining programmes.

“Parents should avoid heaping their parental roles to the government and instead support their children by providing packed lunch.” They said.

By Enock Okong’o

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