Nyamira MPs clash over university site amid Ruto’s regional tour

President Ruto laying the foundation stone for the construction of the Kiabonyoru High School Dormitory in Nyamira

President Ruto found himself in the middle of a dispute between MPs in Nyamira over the proposed location for the yet to be constructed Nyamira University.

The tiff between North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko and his counterparts from West Mugirango, Kitutu Masaba and Borabu constituencies rose after Nyamoko confronted the President over his lack of commitment to specify where the institution will be located.

“Your Excellency, I was with you in Kilgoris when we talked about the university and you remember we had agreed the college be set at Kiabonyoru,” Nyamoko said.

He also accused his counterparts over what he termed as betrayal of their agreement regarding the university’s location.

Kitutu Masaba MP Clive Gisairo criticized Nyamoko for undermining other leaders, suggesting that Nyamoko was presenting himself as the sole legislator genuinely concerned for the people.


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Ruto stated that the local leaders would have to decide on the most suitable site.

“About the university, you will have to sit with your leaders and agree on where to establish the university,” he said.

President Ruto began a three-day tour of the Gusii Region yesterday, during which he is anticipated to unveil development programs totaling over Ksh7 billion.

The President began his visit to Nyamira at Kiabonyoru Mixed High School, where he initiated the construction of three out of the 183 new classrooms and announced plans to establish a university at the school.

He mentioned that 44 laboratories and dormitories will be built in 68 schools across four sub-counties funded by the Kuwait Government at a cost of Ksh1.4 billion.

Ruto laid the foundation stone for the construction of classrooms at Kiabonyoru and Kenyerere DEB Junior Secondary Schools before launching the last mile electricity connection in Nyang’eni Village, Kisii County.

By Frank Mugwe

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