Nyamira education boss urges youth to join TVET colleges

Nyamira colleges

Nyamira County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Education Kennedy Angwenyi has urged the youth to join local technical and training colleges to gain knowledge and skills for sustainability.

Speaking at Biticha Technical Training Institute in the county, the minister informed the youth that the county had plans to expand the institution to host more students and asked them to reciprocate by enrolling in big numbers once the project is done.

“This is an opportunity that you should seize to equip yourself with skills that will enable you to acquire employment to support yourselves and your families,” he said.

Angwenyi asked parents and teachers to advise their children regarding career choices from the onset of their secondary education to enable them remain focused instead of taking hurried decisions in the eleventh hour subjecting them to confusion.

The Executive took a swipe at parents who sold their pieces of land and bought motorcycles for their sons to start bodaboda business.

“Starting business is good but I would ask our parents to prioritize sustainable skills for long term survival,” he said.

By Enock Okong’o

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