Nyamagwa SDA Mixed twin schools receive lockers, chairs donation


Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporate (REREC) has donated 25 lockers and chairs to Nyamagwa SDA mixed twin schools.

Annah Bosibori Abaya, REREC corporate communication officer presented the lockers and chairs to the school. She said her late father Abaya Arika had wished to donate the lockers and chairs to the school as a way of giving back to the community.

The late father to Bosibori, schooled at Nyamagwa primary the sister school to the secondary in the late 70s and had promised to assist school before he died recently.

REREC officials also gave the Principal a locker and a chair.

“Ours is a national exercise held annually whereby we donate to 20 schools of different categories including those of children living with disabilities. Among our beneficiaries is Kamiti Maximum Prison. Other beneficiaries have benefited with sports items, electricity and boreholes,” Bosibori said.

She was accompanied by Lucy Muricho, John Gatoche,Meagie Luvuno. Nyamagwa twin school has a student population of 550.

The REREC, team came courtesy of a former Civic leader Steve Arika through his proposal which coincidentally was in line Abaya’s  kind gesture.

Arika advised the education stakeholders that the only way to develop the nation is for people invest in education without looking over their shoulders.

The Principal Bonuke Matoke, hailed the REREC team for the donation, but appealed to be aided on other challenges which include water, boarding facilities and other basic necessities.

 Bonuke commended the local community for the peaceful environment accorded the institutions.

The Principal appealed to the alumni who are both within the  country and diaspora to remember and assist their younger brother and sisters. Also present was Pastor Tom Miyienda the schools chaplain, who was a teacher in the school for over 40 years.

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