Nurture, monitor your children with love, parents urged

By Enock Okong’o

Kisii county Education Board Chairman Prof Henry Onderi has urged parents to keenly monitor their children’s movements with love and nurture their growth.

Speaking during a visit at Kiru village in Kenyenya sub county to condole with the bereaved family of a thirteen year old, Prof Onderi pointed out that if parents learn about the developmental stages of their children, they will be able to  play their role of nurturing their children’s growth.

He said that children struggle with emotional and physical growth hence they need a lot of empathy to enable them cope with the unique changes they experience.

“Your guidance will enable them overcome the internal changes they struggle to understand.” He said.

Kenyenya Sub county Director of Education Mr. George Ouma condemned the rampant suicide cases in the area and attributed them to the general child waywardness and the uncouth behavior of parents that children blindly copy.

He said that adolescents are like water falls which have to be harnessed with a lot of skills so that they generate power.

He further asked parents to seek advice from teachers in drafting suitable programmes that will help the youth spend their time well during this long school holiday.

According to family members,  the deceased who was a pupil at Kiru Primary School, committed suicide by hanging himself using a rope after differing with his parents on trivial family matters.

The matter was reported at Kenyenya police station. The police took the body to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital for post mortem pending preparations of its burial.

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