North Mugirango schools benefit from lump sum NG-CDF money

By Enock Okong’o

Two primary schools from North Mugirango Constituency in Nyamira County have benefitted with money from the NG-CDF kitty.

When he presided over the issuance of cheques to Nyaututu  and Ong’era Primary schools, the area MP Joash Nyamoko revealed that each school received Sh1 million.

Nyamoko said that the money was meant for improvement of the schools’ infrastructure.

He assured that the government is determined to see that the CBC succeeds because it is the best system of education that embraces modern technology.

“Today, we have opened our doors to support in the construction of classrooms to enable our children study in a friendly environment,” he said.

Mr. Nyamoko revealed that he did not feel comfortable when children sat in stuffy rooms when some government funds were available.

The lawmaker said that the money will be used to complete the construction of classrooms and modern staff rooms.

“Teachers are the main pillars of education who must be housed in good staffrooms to enable them prepare well in the molding of our children,” he added.

He asked the Boards of Management from both schools to use the funds appropriately.

The MP also asked officials from the Ministry of Education to visit the institutions regularly to offer guidance on the recommended infrastructure to be put in place.

He advised parents to take their children to schools to benefit instead of engaging them in child labour.

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