North Eastern institute trains boda boda riders on road safety

By Amoto Ndiewo

Amidst claims that most motorists in Garissa town aren’t trained, NEP Technical Training Institute (NTTI) has partnered with the Kenya Roads Board (KRB) to offer training to Boda boda riders.

The initiative aims to improve road safety and create awareness on acceptable driver behaviour in the fast developing town.

Road safety awareness being one of KRB’s training initiatives, trained 100 Boda boda operators to tame accidents which have been rising by the day.

Speaking after the one day training, the institute Deputy Principal Margaret Wanjiru said that the institution provided prior learning for riders.

“Most of them can manage motorbikes and so we are encouraging them to join us for prior learning,” she said.

This comes after three people recently lost their lives when a Boda boda operator tried overtaking a vehicle when he crushed into a bus.

Engineer Nelson Nyamao from KRB said that the many lives lost annually through accidents could easily be avoided if proper precautionary trainings and engagements are done.

“And that is why we have taken it as an initiative together with other partners including NTSA to organize sensitization seminars and workshops for the same operators who also need to learn the art of traffic rules, acts, and regulations,” he said.

Mr. Nyamao said that the board had trained 5,000 operators and gifted them with 3,000 helmets, 10,000 reflectors jackets and first aid kits in 15 counties.

“Further, the board trained 150 riders who sat licensing examination by NTSA and passed,’’ he added.

Welcoming the move, Garissa Boda boda Chairman Maxwell Otieno said that the initiative and training will increase the riders’ knowledge on traffic rules and avoid unnecessary accidents    seen of late in the town.

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