Non-ranking of 2022 KCPE results elicits mixed reactions


By Lydia Ngoolo

As Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu announced the anxiously awaited KCPE results on Wednesday, December 21, many were expecting the traditional ranking of top ten candidates and schools but that was not the case, leaving citizens confused.

Some supported the move while others castigated it saying the Ministry of Education should shed some light on the matter.

Rachael Muvai, a parent who had a candidate in a school in Thika, supported the move and said that the results should be announced that way onwards.

“It has reduced the anxiety many other candidates get when their fellows are announced in TVs while they feature nowhere. Schools rankings, especially private schools make other schools look lesser,” said Muvai.

Another parent Nyawira Maina, a Makueni resident, argued that the results announcement by Machogu left many in the dark.

“I was waiting to see top ten candidates with their schools but nothing happened. I don’t think the ranking was bad at all, since it helped us gauge ourselves,” she said.

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