No proven performance, no promotions, TSC tells teachers

By Peter Otuoro

A Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Rift Valley Regional Director Adow Bardad has warned that only performing teachers will be considered for promotions.

Speaking in Nakuru city, Bardad said that the Commission is keenly analyzing the performance of every teacher to ensure those recommended for promotion in various positions work hard and excel in their teaching subjects.

“There are so many teachers seeking promotions. TSC will only base its judgment on performance. We are therefore encouraging all teachers to work hard and boost the academic performance in their teaching subjects,” said Bardad.

The regional TSC boss said the Commission will not condone teachers whose teaching subjects perform poorly for four consecutive years.

“Teachers whose subjects perform poorly for four consecutive years deserve to be demoted. Parents will not be happy if a subject performs poorly yet they are paying school fees and providing the necessary financial support,” he said.

Bardad urged teachers to cover the syllabus on time so as to get time for revision before candidates sit their national exams.

He congratulated teachers for the good performance in 2021 KCPE and KCSE exams and encouraged them to put more effort.

“We have to congratulate our teachers who made us shine nationally. The ball should keep rolling to ensure our students have a bright future,” he said.

He said that teachers who habitually abscond classes are the main contribution to poor performance in schools, insisting absenteeism should be fought at all cost since it undermined students’ performance.

“Teachers who are fond of not attending classes should be reported for action to be taken,” he added.

He went on to say that the government had put in place some measures to stop absenteeism among teachers by encouraging  students to report to  senior school administrative officers teachers who do not attend  their lessons,” said the TSC director.

Bardad urged parents and the Boards of management of all schools to  support teachers and involve themselves in activities that contribute to the academic excellence of the schools in the region.

He also urged parents to give the girl child a conducive learning environment that will enable her excel.

“Some girls from some parts of the Rift Valley region do not excel because of many challenges like lack of a conducive study environment. I urge parents to support their girls achieve their academic dreams,” he said.

He concluded by saying that  the Commission was confident that teachers from the Rift Valley region will produce good results in the next national exams.

Rift Valley region has 14 counties : Narok, Samburu, Trans Nzoia, Bomet, Kericho,Uasin Gishu,West Pokot, Laikipia, Nakuru,Turkana, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kajiado and Nandi.

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