No extra examination papers will be issued, KNEC official says

By Lydia Ngoolo

Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) official Rebecca Leseketeti has said no extra examination papers will be issued to learners during the examination period.

She was speaking during an examinations briefing at Masii Boys High school in Mwala sub county, Machakos County where she added that exam papers will be given according to the number of candidates.

He warned examiners against retaining any extra papers saying they should be returned to the examination container at the end of the day.

“For candidates who will not sit for their examinations for different reasons, their desks should be removed from exam rooms,” added Leseketeti.

She observed that these were some of the moves introduced by the examination council to curb cheating.

The official further instructed that all candidates should report to exam centres in the morning regardless of the time they are sitting for their papers.

“This goes specifically to day scholars. They all should be at the centres by 8am even if they are writing their papers in the afternoon,” she said.

She noted that apart from the officers administering examinations, only essential personnel such as gate keepers, nurses, deputy school heads and cooks will be allowed in the centre.

“Kindly remember to do proper frisking of the candidates. Again be reminded that no examinations will be opened before the set time and I urge all centre managers to be punctual,” the KNEC official said.

Mwala Deputy County Commissioner David Tegutwa echoed Leseketeti’s comments and also warned centre managers against colluding with security officers to assist in cheating.

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