NGO embarks on voter education to encourage voter turnout in August polls

By Norah Musega

Following recent incidences of violence related to the ongoing political campaigns in Migori County, a non-government organization has moved to avert voter apathy among youths ahead of polls by organizing voter education.

Rural AIDS Prevention and Development Organization (RAPADO) has been organizing barazas, football tournaments, and music and drama extravaganzas targeting youths with voter education messages.

Omole Opinya, RAPADOs’ programme officer, told Education News that the main aim is to impact the voting process and how to see through agenda and vision of politicians before they make decisions at the ballot.

Opinya said the organization undertook the initiative amid fears of voter apathy among youths and their propensity towards violence and chaos.

Last year, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) set an ambitious target of adding 6 million to the voter register within a month, but only a quarter showed interest. In January, the IEBC tried again and only netted 12 percent of the remaining 4.5 million potential voters it was targeting.

“These figures are alarming and we are afraid that those who are registered may even decide to sit back at home and give us low voter turnouts,” Japhet Imonje, an officer at the organization said.

“We have organized football events to mobilise our community to turn out in large numbers during the general elections and help in making decisions,” said Opinya.

He was speaking at Jovenna Grounds in Migori town on Sunday during an event they had organized which saw five teams take part in both women and men football. Some youths also exhibited different talents during the occasion.

Philip Dunga, a captain at Jovenna Football Club, which took part in the events said they were satisfied with the games which also helped to see the importance of voting.

“We were organized in teams, and as teams we will ensure we have a maximum turnout to vote in the next polls,” he said, adding that they are also keen to educate youths against being misused by politicians to create chaos and disturbance ahead of the polls.

Incidences of vandalism of campaign materials of Suna West Member of Parliament and a gubernatorial candidate have been witnessed, and recently a supporter was attacked and injured.

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