NFDK donates Ksh 13 million to 43 schools

By Peter Otuoro

The National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya (NFDK) has donated Ksh13 million to 43 learning institutions in the former Rift Valley region.

NFDK National Chairperson Kristina Kenyatta said each of 43 education institutions have received between Ksh 300,000 to Ksh 350,000 for the construction of classrooms, dormitories, administration blocks, boreholes, latrines and other building structures in those institutions.

Mrs Kenyatta said that school heads have been formally requesting for infrastructural structures through applications to chiefs hence the decision by NFDK to issue grant to the institutions.

Some of the benefitting institutions include: Simotwet Special school in Baringo County, St. Kizito Secondary school in Bomet County,Nakiyo Primary School, Kedowa Special Primary School,  Chebonge Primary School, Kipkelion Special School, Meluwa Special School, Bumuruti Special School, Oimoran Special School, Sipiri School for the Deaf, Koinarwa Special School, Dingwa Special School, Tharwa Special School, Ngarae Naro Special School, Kinamba Special School, Njoro Salvation Army, Ngala School for the Deaf, Outreach International, St. Joseph School, Mary Konde Primary School, Inturot Orok Primary School and Olara Special School among others.

Mrs Kenyatta revealed that NFDK was initiated by the late former president Daniel Moi in 1980 to assist in improving infrastructures in special education institutions and it has borne many positive fruits since its inception.

She lauded the late president Mwai Kibaki and the current president Uhuru Kenyatta for supporting NFDK.

“The grants we offer have changed the lives of hundreds of Kenyans as students in special learning institutions have been able to get quality education,” she said.

The chairperson also thanked the media for creating awareness and enabling the public to know more about the organization.

“We have been instrumental in undertaking 159 projects countrywide since 2020,” she added.

NFDK National Programming Officer Prof. Julia Ojiambo urged all heads who receive the grants to use them for the intended purpose.

She reminded the beneficiaries that officers from the region will visit the institutions   to ensure the intended infrastructure is built.

She encouraged more institutions to apply for the grants through Chiefs in their respective locations in the 14 counties of Rift Valley Region.

Senate Deputy Speaker Prof. Margaret Kamar urged all heads of Special Schools in Kenya to run the institutions diligently and professionally.

She also urged students in specials schools to work hard and join University.

“Disability is not an inability. As a student you should work hard, join universities and shine in the job market, “said Prof. Kamar.

Rift Valley Regional Commissioner Maalim Mohamed told all chiefs in the 14 counties of Rift Valley to ensure all children with disabilities are admitted to school.

He warned parents against hiding the children, adding that they will be charged and they will face the law.

He also urged the state Department of Public Works within Rift Valley Region  to ensure all education institutions are constructed to be friendly to students and teachers with disabilities.

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