New funding for women wishing to pursue Masters, PhDs

By Azael Masese

Kenyan women who wish to pursue a master’s degree and PhD can do so, under the Mwalimu Nyerere African Union scholarship scheme.
For a master’s degree, one must be under 35 while those interested in pursuing a PhD must be under 40, besides meeting a host of other eligibility criteria.
The scholarship covers disciplines related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and in a recognized university of an African Union Member state.
Those to be considered must have an admission letter from a university an African Union Member State and must also be willing to commit to work in any of these countries on completion of studies for at least three years.
In order to promote intra-Africa student mobility, candidates are encouraged to seek admission to universities other than their own with all applications set to close on 30th April, 2018.
The master’s programme should be of two years duration while the PhD programme should be of three years duration.
Candidates must complete all academic work within the specified period of the programme as the scholarship cannot be extended.
For one to apply, she must be a holder of a master’s degree in the relevant field at the level of upper second class honours for a master’s programme and a holder of master’s degree in relevant field for a PhD programme.
The degree must be from a reputable university and must have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements as evidenced by academic transcripts, and academic awards if any.
They must also have proof of admission to undertake a full time masters or PhD programme in a recognized university of an African Union Member state
Launched in 2017, the programme seeks to contribute to the production and retention of high caliber African human capital for sustainable development of the continent in critical development areas, while promotion regional integration through intra-Africa mobility of students.
The scholarship is intended to enable young Africans to study in reputable African universities with a binding agreement that beneficiaries will work in any African country for at least the same duration of scholarship period after graduation.
It also seeks to encourage the participation of young African female students at postgraduate level, for masters and PhD programmes in STEM.
The scholarship award, which is administered by the African Union, under the Department of Human Resources, Sciences and Technology covers a host of areas such as tuition fees, which will be paid according to an official invoice from the host university.
Successful candidates will qualify for a monthly Sh51, 000 (US$500) stipends, according to the current market rates, to support living expenses such as housing, food, utilities, local transportation and medication.
One would be entitled to a book allowance of 500$ per year for the purchase of books. There is also an air ticket that offers one a round trip economy fare for the most direct route between the beneficiary’s home country and the study destination of host institute
Travel allowance includes a one off payment of 250$ to contribute towards ground transportation from airport and settling in costs.
Successful Kenyan will have a one off payment of $350 to assist with shipping and other terminal expenses upon departure from the host institution and after succe sful completion of the study.
One is also entitled to a one off payment computer allowance of 1000$ for the purchase of laptop computer accessories.

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