New dawn as KNQA launches 5-year Strategic Plan to boost service delivery

KNAQ Director Dr Alice Kandie (left) and TVET PS Dr Esther Muoria during the launch of KNQA Strategic Plan today. Photos courtesy

The Chairperson of Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) Stanley Kiptis has described the authority new Strategic Plan 2023/27 as the dawn of the new era for Kenya and Africa as it poises to uplift the livelihoods of countless Kenyans, and make an indelible mark on the continental job market through dissemination of invaluable skills.

Kiptis while speaking during the launch of the KNQA Strategic Plan 2023/27 on today at Westwood hotel, Nairobi revealed that the plan charts out the authority long term strategic goals which ensure that it performs its mission efficiently.

KNAQ Director Dr Alice Kandie (left), TVET PS Dr Esther Muoria (middle) and chair of KNQA Stanley Kiptis during the launch of Strategic Plan in Nairobi today. Photos courtesy

“This Strategic Plan charts out the Authority’s long term strategic goals for carrying out its mission of ‘establishing and managing the Kenya National Qualifications Framework aimed at promoting globally recognized and competitive qualifications for sustainable development.

“It integrates the country’s aspirations as spelt out in the 4th Medium Term Plan and the ‘Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda’ by ensuring relevance, quality and competitiveness of all national qualifications that shall hence promote employability and foster inclusive individual and national development across the country,” he said.


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He said that the Plan is driven by a core message whose key theme is to strengthen the national quality assurance system for national qualifications aimed at develop a system of competence, lifelong learning; and aligning qualifications obtained locally with global benchmarks in order to promote national and transnational mobility of workers and portability of qualifications.

“As we launch the 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan, I have every confidence that quality, credibility and global competitiveness of national qualifications will be assured and the ripple effect will be enhanced decent employability of graduates at the various levels of learning, portability and comparability of qualifications as well as mobility of skills and labour,” Kiptis said.

Proceedings during the launch

He further thanked the President as well as other education stakeholders especially the Ministry of Education and various State Departments for their unwavering support in ensuring that the authority runs its mandate effectively.

KNQA chair revealed that the authority has played an instrumental role in development of the African Continental Qualifications Frameworks (ACQF) and IGAD Qualifications Framework which are policy instruments of continental and regional scope respectively to deliver on the objectives of enhanced transparency and comparability of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks and systems for lifelong learning in Africa.

By Vostine Ratemo

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