New campus for St Joseph’s Nyangoma

By Erick Nyayiera

Construction works at the Sh500 million St Joseph’s Nyangoma Technical Institute’s Got Ramogi campus has finally began.
The campus funded by African Development Bank will host the department of ICT and Electrical Engineering including their workshops.
It will also include a 200 capacity students’ hostels.
Principal Sr. Celestine Mangiti said the project was basically a Ministry of Education initiative and that it will go a long way in opening the host region to the world.
“St. Joseph’s Nyangoma TI is a special institution of its kind in East Africa for learners with hearing impairment and we offer the best courses and our learners are doing great things out there in the technical industry and therefore take advantage and utilize the opportunity,” Sr. Mangiti said.
She appealed to the locals to own the project and ensure the college has ample security since more good things are coming including other developments.
“We integrate both hearing and hearing impaired learners hence it will accommodate more students including the students from the local community”, outlined the Principal.
Bondo National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) will purchase additional 18 acres to the already acquired 8 acres which was inherited from the old Ramogi Village Polytechnic. The institute will sit on 25 acre piece.
“We are extending two additional departments of fisheries and aqua- culture and we will use Lake Sare (an ox- bow lake adjacent to the new campus) as our workshop for purposes of research and experiments. Fish caging will be a key priority in line with ensuring food security,” said the principal.
Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda who has steered the process of acquiring the piece of land maintained that the new development was welcome and it will go a long way in boosting the regions’ economy since it will open up opportunities for doing business.

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