NEP school heads decry fees payment delay

By Amoto Ndiewo

School heads have raised concern over Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha’s leniency to parents over school fees payment, arguing they are in a crisis due unpaid school fees arrears and Covi-19 crisis.

KESSHA Chairman Garissa chapter Mohamud Dubat asked the Education CS to reconsider his stance especially as students return from the half term break.

He warned that due to current drought and Covid -19 impact on the economy, the schools in arid areas are facing a financial crisis. He suggested that the government gift the schools some extra money as the parents’ livelihood depends on livestock that  at the moment could neither provide milk nor be sold at reasonable prices.

‘’We can’t manage the schools effectively as we are struggling to offset huge debts incurred from last year,’’ lamented Dubat.

He said the government must take responsibility as most parents’ are not in a position to clear the pending arrears, in order   to allow the heads to effectively manage the schools.

‘’Schools are only having a small percentage  of parents clearing school fees balances  and many more are sending the children to school without fees,’’ he added. 

On the other hand, Magoha insists that the school heads should neither charge extra school fees nor send children back home for school fees.

“The students must learn without any interference,’’ insists the Education CS.

In March 2021, the MOE released Sh15 billion capitation fee for students and pledged to ensure more funding which never came. This month the government released another Sh9 billion but the head teachers said capitation was less and couldn’t meet their accumulated expenses.

Meanwhile, some parents are up in arms against Magoha’s mid-term break, arguing that since schools are closing on 16th July the midterm was uncalled for.

After the break the school will start their first term on 26th July 2021. The term will end on 1st October 2021.

Later, the students will take a 10-day break before beginning second term from 11th October to 23rd December 2021.

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