Neglected school faces closure over inadequate toilets

Lelmokwo Primary School in Kesses constituency, Uasin Gishu County is facing closure due to inadequate toilets and lack of water.

The dire situation forces the public school’s 250 learners to share two dilapidated toilets which are almost full with its teachers.

The school board Chairperson Mercy Korir noted that the pupils’ parents are poor thus unable to contribute for construction of a new toilet and they have been seeking the Ministry of Education’s support but all their efforts have borne no fruit.

“All the seven latrines that were being used by pupils got filled up two years ago while another sunk in. Our teachers have to endure humiliation while answering calls of nature by queuing with learners at the same latrine,” she said.

“We are now calling on any well-wisher or Non-Governmental Organization to come to
our help to avert the closure of the school,” she pleaded.

Korir disclosed that the last time the institution got assistance from the National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) was nine years ago for construction of three classes.

School Principal Andrew Kibet said that most learners come from as far as five kilometres away and are expected to carry water to school every morning, which does not augur well with stellar performance in national exams.

“The last class to be built in the school was five years ago during the tenure of former MP Swarup Mishra and since then, no other development project has been initiated at the institution,” he reiterated.

Area MCA Julius Songok said that his office was aware of the challenges facing the school and has already budgeted for construction of new toilets in this financial year.

“It is true the school has been having a myriad of challenges and it is part of what we have budgeted for in the 2023/24 Financial Year. There should be no cause for worry by teachers and learners.” He assured.

By Wasike Elvis

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