Narok JSS teachers vow not to resume duties until demands are met

JSS teachers during a demonstration in Narok town. Photo:Kimutai Langat

Junior Secondary School intern teachers in Narok continue to push the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to employ them on Permanent and Pensionable basis.

Led by Josphat Kipng’eno, they blamed TSC for ignoring court orders, vowing not to report back to their various schools until they receive confirmation.

Kipnge’no said the employment process should be above board, alleging that the process of confirming them was not transparent, as some teachers had received confirmation letters in burial ceremonies.

Another teacher, Elias Kimorgo, said they will stay put as the Court had ruled that the teacher’s internship was illegal, hence they do not want to engage in illegal activities.

“We are law abiding citizens hence we have to obey the Court order. We will not be going back to school until we are confirmed,” said Kimorgo.


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Dauphine Adhiambo, a JCC teacher said the KSh17, 000 salary that the intern teachers receive every month, does not meet their needs, hence called on TSC to consider employing them on a permanent basis.

“Some of us teach far from our homes, where we need to rent a house and buy food. In addition, we have families to take care of with the meager income. This makes our life very miserable,” said Adhiambo.

About 800 intern teachers were employed by TSC in 2023 to teach in the Junior Secondary, with the teachers now vowing to intensify their demonstrations if TSC did not heed to their demands.

Kiharu Member of Parliament, Ndindi Nyoro, speaking during a church service in Narok town on Sunday, backed the teachers’ calls, calling on TSC to employ them on a permanent basis.

By Kimutai Langat

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