Napoleon finally decides to ditch bachelorhood

By Pascal Mwandambo

Last time, I told you an amusing incident about my colleague Napoleon who had acquired a loan from a shylock named Njugu Mawe.

I have previously said that Napoleon Bonaparte is a very mean chap who won’t pay his debts even when he is in a position to do so. In fact, he only pays it when push comes to shove.

When the shylock came to me inquiring about Napoleon’s whereabouts, I had to tell him the truth about Napoleon’s creditworthiness.

It was just hot air that he was paying school fees for his children in college. Mark you, the chap has three phone lines to evade Fuliza debts.

Anyway, that is water under the bridge. Today’s story is quite amusing.

I had just put on my lab coat ready to go for chemistry practicals when I saw Napoleon’s SMS asking that I pass by the agriculture workshop.

He was in an excited mood and from the smell of his breath, I could tell that he had imbibed alcohol.

“I need your advice on a very sensitive matter because you are one of my trusted friends,” he said emphatically.

For a second, I thought that he had taken another loan and wanted my advice on how to evade paying the loan.

Turns out, the fellow had gotten a woman he wanted to marry. I found it funny since at the age where other teachers were struggling to pay college fees for their children, Napoleon was busy proposing.

I laughed inwardly trying to figure out what lady in her right frame of mind would marry such an eccentric.

“I am tired of living alone.  It’s better late than never,” he consoled himself.

“What help do you need from me?” I asked.

“I was thinking of holding a harambee to raise funds for a get together party with my potential in- laws,” he answered.

I thought that was such a tall order but he encouraged me by saying that if all goes well, I would get a small part of the money we managed to raise and so, I promised to do the best to assist him.

Upon returning to the office, I made the big announcement and most of my colleagues let out a sarcastic laughter.

Marashi, the teacher of English, has never been so amused.

Currently, we’re planning to hold a harambee to aid our good colleague to get married. Indeed, wonders  shall never cease.

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