Name Murang’a Varsity after Matiba, State told

By Kage Njoroge

Murang’a County Secretary of Mzalendo Saba Saba party, Vincent Mugane has said Murang’a University of Technology should be renamed Matiba University in his memory.
George Gachugu, the party chairman, noted other proponents of pluralism and reforms namely Jaramogi Oginga and Masinde Muliro have institutions named after them in their respective regions.
Father Joakim Gitonga, the first principal of the then Murang’a College of Technology, renamed Murang’a University said Matiba was instrumental to the establishment of the institution.
Gitonga explained that Matiba and other elites from the County created Murang’a Harambee Development Fund (MHDF) in late 1960s, which mobilized funds to build the college.
Matiba was also in charge of resource mobilization unit and was a generous contributor to the project.
His supporters said naming the university after him will ensure entrepreneurship, innovation, manufacturing and commercial growth, which the deceased leader valued, will excel in Murang’a.

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