Nakuru parents flock bookshops as schools reopen

Parents queue at a uniform store along Kenyatta Avenue in Nakuru City.

Parents in Nakuru County have flocked to bookshops and supermarkets as they purchase learning materials for their children as schools reopen for Term 1.

Several parents who spoke to Education News said that despite the current harsh economic status, they are committed to prioritizing the education of their children.

One parent, Purity Wamboi, said that children deserve a quality education and as parents, they are obligated to provide essential learning materials and uniforms.

Joseph Kiprotich, another parent, urged the government to subsidize the prices of learning materials to reduce the economic burden on parents.

“Our government should put in place mechanisms of subsidizing learning materials so that parents who are currently facing economic hardships can educate their children,” he said.

However, supermarket and bookshop owners noted that the number of customers had reduced compared to the same period last year.

They said that considering the economic challenges facing the country, they procured less stock which is still on the shelves since the number of sales has reduced significantly.

By Peter Otuoro

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